
Publications – Kim Robinson



  • Hall T, Briffa K, Hopper D, Robinson, K. 2010. Comparative analysis and diagnostic accuracy of the cervical flexion-rotation test. Journal of Headache and Pain. DOI 10.1007/s10194-010-0222-3
  • Hall, Briffa K, Hopper D, Robinson, K. 2010 Long-term stability and minimal detectable change of the cervical flexion rotation test. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 40(4):225-229
  • Hall, Briffa K, Hopper D, Robinson, K. 2010. Reliability of manual examination and frequency of symptomatic cervical motion segment dysfunction in cervicogenic headache. Manual Therapy. doi:10.1016/j.math.2010.06.002
  • Hopper D, Samsson K, Hulenik T, Ng C, Hall T, Robinson K. 2009. The influence of Mulligan ankle taping during balance performance in subjects with unilateral chronic ankle instability. Physical Therapy in Sport, doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2009.07.005
  • Hall T, Robinson K, Fujinawa O and Kiyokazu A (2008): Inter-tester reliability and diagnostic validity of the cervical flexion-rotation test in cervicogenic headache. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 31; 293-300
  • Smith K, Hall T, Robinson K 2008. The influence of age, gender, lifestyle factors and sub-clinical neck pain on the cervical flexion–rotation test and cervical range of motion. Manual Therapy (2007), doi:10.1016/j.math.2007.07.005
  • Ogince M, Hall T, Robinson K & Blackmore M. 2006 The diagnostic validity of the cervical flexion-rotation test in C1/2 related cervicogenic headache. Manual Therapy.
  • Moiler K, Hall T, Robinson K. 2006 The Role of Fibular Tape in the Prevention of Ankle Injury in Basketball: A Pilot Study. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2006 36(9): 661-668
  • Ogince M, Hall TM & Robinson KW. 2003. Sensitivity and specificity of the flexion rotation test. (Abstract) Cephalalgia. 23(7):678, September
  • Hall TM & Robinson KW. 2004. The flexion-rotation test and active cervical mobility – A comparative measurement study in cervicogenic headache.. Manual Therapy 9(4): 197-204..



  • Hall TM, Robinson KW. 2001. Evaluation of the cervical flexion-rotation test in cervical headache. In Magarey M, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference of the Musculo-skeletal Physiotherapy Association of Australia.
  • Robinson K, Hall TM. 2001 Evaluation of the cervical flexion-rotation test in cervical headache. In Proceedings of the European IFOMT meeting.
  • Ogince M, Robinson KW, Hall TM. 2003. Sensitivity and specificity of the flexion-rotation test. In Proceedings of the World Confederation of Physical Therapists, Barcelona, Spain
  • Moiler K, Hall TM, Robinson KW. 2004. The Effect of Fibular Repositioning Tape on Ankle Injury in Basketball Players (Abstract). Sports Medicine Australia Conference (WA)..
  • Moiler K, Hall TM, Robinson KW. 2005. Role of Mulligan Fibular Repositioning Tape in the prevention of ankle injury in basketball. (abstract) In Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Conference of the Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Association of Australia, Brisbane.
  • Hall TM, CH Tak, C Wells, l Christensen, B Odenthal & K Robinson. 2005. A placebo controlled trial investigating the efficacy of the Mulligan C1/2 rotation Snag in cervicogenic headache (abstract) In proceedings of the 14th Biennial Conference of the Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Association of Australia, Brisbane.



  • Hall T & Robinson R 2014. Neurodynamics: When and Why. In Oxford Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine 2nd Edn. (Ed) Michael Hutson and Adam Ward. Oxford University Press
  • Hall T & Robinson R 2014. Neurodynamics. Management In Oxford Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine 2nd Edn. (Ed) Michael Hutson and Adam Ward. Oxford University Press
  • Hall T & Robinson R 2014. The Elbow. In Maitland’s Peripheral Manipulation 5th Edn. (Ed) K Banks et al.. Elsevier



  • Sensitivity and specificity of the cervical flexion-rotation test. M Ogince 2003
  • The effect of fibular repositioning tape on ankle injury in adolescent basketball players’. K Moiler, 2004
  • The influence of age, gender, lifestyle factors, and subclinical neck pain on the flexion-rotation test. K Smith 2005

Also supervised group MSc projects at Curtin University